Таинственное и чудотворное озеро / Mysterious and miraculous lake

#di_vito One of the most mysterious legends of the Novgorod region: XV century, two babies die under mysterious circumstances. They are buried, but the coffins float up 10 km from the cemetery, on a deserted lake, where lost hunters find them. They claimed that the children ordered them to be buried in another place - an abandoned monastery near the village of Menyush. The inhabitants fulfilled their will and the monastery was revived, and healings began to occur at the relics of the babies. Since then, they have been venerated as Menuši saints. The lake is called the Holy and it is still almost inaccessible. SUBSCRIBE please: Если подпишитесь, будет очень хорошо: или тут или здесь We are also raising money for a device for filming a documentary about Fr. Davide - Rector of the Holy Dormition Makarievskaya Hermitage, fundraising here: А еще мы собираем деньги на аппарат для съемок документального фильма об о. Давиде – настоятеле Свято-Успенской Макарьевской пустыни, сбор средств тут: Спаси вас БОГ! Save you GOD!
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