MTGO Modern - Mono W Human Saga

Good god is this deck sweet, Esper Sentinel, Thalia’s Lieutenant and more plains than you can shake an Aether Vial at. 4 Aether Vial 4 Cavern of Souls 4 Champion of the Parish 4 Esper Sentinel 4 Intrepid Adversary 4 Luminarch Aspirant 3 Mutavault 4 Path to Exile 9 Plains 1 Shadowspear 3 Silent Clearing 1 Springleaf Drum 4 Thalia’s Lieutenant 4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 3 Thraben Inspector 4 Urza’s Saga 3 Burrenton Forge-Tender 2 Cathar Commando 4 Drannith Magistrate 1 Lurrus of the Dream-Den 1 Pithing Needle 3 Sanctifier en-Vec 1 Soul-Guide Lantern -- Watch live at
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