What Student Need to Know about Oncologic Diagnostic Imaging In Radio Diagnosis.

Cancer diagnosis frequently requires imaging studies that in many cases use small amounts of radiation. Procedures such as X-rays; computed tomography (CT); magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); positron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) are important in clinical decision-making, including therapy and follow-up. Imaging tests – taking pictures of the inside of the body – are of pivotal importance in the diagnosis and management of cancer patients. The use of diagnostic imaging is one of the first steps in the clinical management of cancer. Diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine studies play an important role in the screening, staging (finding out the extent of the cancer, such as how large the tumour is, and if it has spread beyond the primary site), follow-up, therapy planning, evaluation of therapy response and the long-term surveillance of patients. Imaging tests are used for cancer in many ways: • They are sometimes used to look for cancer in its ea
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