QUAKE ENGINE / DEMO GAME (2023) ZX Spectrum Next, 28 MHz

This is Quake alpha engine running on a ZX Spectrum Next, 28 MHz (can also run on ZX-UNO, Pentagon etc.) and will also run (slower off course) on 14 MHz - (ZX Evolution, eLeMeNt ZX, Sprinter, etc.). See this engine running on a standard ZX Spectrum 128k 3,5 MHz: In the run folder, run *.bat files that specify the type of media and the frequency at which the emulator is configured. Next, inside the emulator, as on the standard ZX Spectrum, boot either from tape or in TR-DOS. The game is written for a standard 128k memory card and a standard Spectrum screen 6912, so run on any clone. Quake alpha - () - Dragons’ Lord 2021-2023 3D engine - () - Alone Coder 1997-2023 Video - () - Dragons’ Lord Control buttons in the game: 1, 2, 3 - three types of weapons: shotgun, barrel and rocket launcher, WASD - the standard layout for running in first-person shooters, QE - raise / lower the gaze (if the mouse is not used), OP - turn left / right (if the mouse is not used), SPACE and LKM - shot, left SHIFT or PKM - jump. In this version alpha the following has been added: - Three weapons visually on the screen with different types of cartridges, - Animation of the chambler model, - Calling unit of the chambler - skeleton, - Earned a teleport, - Voiceover of all game processes in a unique way on the standard AY, - Written subsystems responsible for: - Generation of cartridges- Tracking the collision of bullets with the floor, - Collision of bullets with walls, - Exclusion of bullets outside the visible zone, - Collision of bullets with monsters with the application of damag (blinks white border), - Collision of skeletons with the player with the application of damag (blinks red), - Collision of monsters with the player (will be a bite for the ass - blink red), - Generation and animation of explosions by particles (including the organization of plumes behind a flying skeleton and a flying rocket). Download here: If you would like to donate: SBER: 4279 3806 9488 7532 (Yoomoney): 41001318897076 Huge playlist archive with ZX Spectrum Next software:
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