A Tasmanian Harvest (1930)

Tasmania, Australia. No title. M/S of a fishing boat with a large catch of crayfish on deck. C/U of the horrible looking creatures. L/S of a large fishing boat with lots of sails. “Crayfish, beloved of devil-may-care Bohemianism, meet their first and last pots.“ Good shot of two men in very small rowing boat. One controls the oars whilst the other pulls in a large crayfish pot. He pulls out his catch. “Inspectors make sure the catch is up to standard size.“ M/S of man standing on small fishing boat using a net on a pole to transfer his catch to a cart on the dock. He then pushes the cart into a warehouse. C/U of the cart full of crayfish. “He tastes nicer than he looks!“ C/U of a crayfish. “Did you know crayfish are killed by being immersed in fresh water? Then they are boiled.“ M/S of men putting crayfish into a crate. M/S of the crates being lowered into a vat of boiling water. “And blushing deeply, they leave Tasmania to satisfy someone’s tastes - “ M/Ss of crayfish being packed
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