Гимнастика! 20 Intense Mountain Climbers

20 Intense mountain climber variations for demolishing the abs and developing a strong supporting core! Blog post with more details ➞ ---- Hi there, my name is Eero Westerberg and I am the head coach here at VAHVA Fitness. Our specialty lies in mixing the Western and Eastern knowledge of health and fitness together into a combination that actually works, is proven and produces real tangible results. We developed our methods by studying health & wellness and strength & conditioning for over a decade. We also traveled the world for over 3 years researching different ancient methods of strengthening and taking care of the human body. READ OUR FULL STORY ➞ ---- Build an Athletic Physique from Zero to Hero 🔷 Online Course to learn movement, build mobility and get fit 🔶 Complete core & nutrition pr
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