Nikola Tesla Free Energy

Nikola Tesla Free Energy An early pioneer of electrical engineering and telecommunication in 1888 he Developed the first Induction Motor Tesla went on to pursue many personal projects including Teleforce Weapons, Weather devices Control and wireless energy However due to lack of finance many of Tesla’s projects remained incomplete. Telsa Died in his New York hotel room January 7th 1943. Federal US agents raided and seized all his personal documents and belongings. These where eventually released to Tesla’s family nine years later. What interest did the US government have in Tesla’s work? Nikola Tesla emigrated to the Untied states in 1884 to work briefly with Thomas Edison. The Two men had a falling out and Nikola began working in his own laboratories. Tesla had a photographic memory, spoke eight different languages and would only sleep for two hours a day He contributed to the development of X-rays, Radio and military Radar. One of Tesla’s personal projects was a proje
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