Moscow - May Day Celebration (1957)

Russia, Soviet Union (USSR). GV. The Red Square in Moscow with military contingents marching past - Sub-super scene. LV. Towards, contingents of the Navy marching past. GV. Soviet officials on the rostrum including Soviet Minister of Defence Marshal Georgi Zhukov, Soviet Prime Minister Nikolai Bulganin, Soviet Communist Party Leader Nikita Khruschev and Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs Vyaceslav Molotov. LV. Towards and past, contingents of the army marching past with bayonets fixed. SV. Bulganin and Khruschev, saluting, then unknown person and Soviet Commissar for Power Stations Georgi Malenkov. LV. From ground, large jet plane flies over with two smaller planes at each wing tip. LV. From ground, jet fighter aircraft fly over. GV. School children in the Red Square making dash towards rostrum with bunches of flowers in their hands. SV. Towards, children dashing towards rostrum. SV. Part of crowd looking on - Indian people - may be diplomats. AS. The officials receiving the flowers on the rostrum. GV. Th
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