My slow stitching journey - part 2.. creative sewing & embroidering with fabric scraps

Slow stitching and freestyle embroidering are wonderful ways to just let your mind wonder and your creativity flow. These are a few of the little ‘stitch scapes’ that I’ve created from scraps when I needed a break and didn’t have the energy for larger projects. Probably my most used stitches are the blanket stitch, running stitch and the French Knot, but I also enjoy mixing it up with a bit of free motion embroidery (machine) for added texture and imagery. I would be thrilled to bits if this has given you some inspiration and motivation to have a go yourself and would love to hear how you got on and whether you enjoyed the process! Please feel free to pop any questions you may have in the comments below. Happy stitching 🪡🧵💕 Mira
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