Turtle WoW’s Official (Beyond the Greymane Wall) Survival Guide - Hosted by Vrograg Fishslayer

Vrograg was sent beyond the Greymane Wall after begging Akalix to know more about what was coming up in Turtle WoW. He spent days wandering the land, investigating, so that he could bring you this information, this Survival Guide. Learn about: New Zones (Gilneas, Hyjal) New Raid (Emerald Sanctum, Lower Karazhan) New Dungeons (Gilneas City) A New City (Gnomer Reclamation Facility) New Crafting Recipes and much, much, more... (yes some new loot spoilers too) All music you hear are original music pieces made by the composers on the Turtle WoW Team, thank you for letting me use your great works. You can listen for yourself over on sound cloud. Reference Links for : Main Patch Notes Itemization Notes Special Thanks / Credits: Torta, Akalix, Murog, BWG, Dragunovi, the GM team, and all my friends in game or out who were worried about me while I slaved away on this video. I am truly honored to have been picked to make such a video. I might have burned the candle at both ends to make it, but I had a great time. Corrections: Karazhan was not released in 2006, it was released in January of 2007*
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