The Immortal 55th & Cuts (1926)

Full title reads: “THE IMMORTAL 55TH. March of the 55th West Lancashire’s Division on St. George’s Plateau, concludes Liverpool’s successful Civic Week“. Merseyside / Lancashire / Cheshire. M/S of military parade passing crowds. Troops of sailors and soldiers pass, some saluting, all with eyes turned right. M/S of mayor of Liverpool standing next to saluting senior army officer and Lord Derby. M/S of a pipe band and a troop of soldiers in kilts marching in procession. Panning shot from crowd watching to procession passing. Small tractor pull carts with large guns on. Intertitle: “Lord Derby opens Seacombe’s Floating Roadway - the largest in the world“. M/S of Lord Derby, several men in mayor’s chains and other dignitaries on deck of ship. Derby tips his hat to troop of sailors standing to attention. M/S of Derby inspecting troop of young sea cadets. M/S of Derby being introduced to and shaking hands with more dignitaries. C/U of Derby. M/S of Derby cutting a ribbon at the top of a bridg
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