Philadelphia: The Faithful Church | The 7 Churches of Revelation | Episode 7 | Lineage

Philadelphia - the sixth of the seven Churches of Revelation is located in the modern city of Alaşehir. This church, like Smryna received no rebuke and its name is connected even in contemporary culture with brotherly love. How can we have a rejuvenated and loving experience in our lives and churches that connects with others? May we show Christ’s love to all. #KnowYourHistory​ #7Churches​ #LineageJourney​ #KnowYourMission​ #The7ChurchesofRevelation​ #Pergamos​ #KnowYourOrigin​ Support Lineage Journey: ➡︎ Paypal: ​​ ➡︎ Patreon: ​​ Lineage T Shirts: ​​ Follow us on: ➡︎ Youtube: ​​ ➡︎ Facebook: ​​ ➡︎ Instagram: ​​ ➡︎ Twitter:
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