Benny Hill - “Fad Eyed Fal“

- Comedian Benny Hill singing “Fad Eyed Fal“ from 1972. It was his follow up composition to chart topping “Ernie“. (The flipside was “The Dustbins Of Your Mind“). The story went along similar lines to “Ernie“ and was quite melodic and witty in its lyrics, but the record was not a success. This was his last major single so far as I am aware. - Komiker Benny Hill singen “Fad Eyed Fal“ von 1972. Es war seine Follow-up Komposition zu Diagramm Verbundestrich “Ernie“. (Die Kehrseite war “The Dustbins Of Your Mind“). Die Geschichte ging entlang ähnlichen Linien zu “Ernie“ und war ziemlich melodisch und in seine Texte witzig, aber der Eintrag war kein Erfolg. Dies war seine letzte große Single, soweit ich weiß. - Komiek Benny Hill zingen “Fad Eyed Fal“ uit 1972. Het was zijn follow-up samenstelling van de grafiek topping “Ernie“. (De flipside was “The Dustbins Of Your Mind“). Het
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