Топик политическая система Великобритании Political system of Great Britain

The UK is a constitutional monarchy. The queen reigns but does not rule. The Queen is only a formal and symbolic head of State. In reality, the Queen acts only on the advice of her ministers. The Constitution  of the UK is unwritten. It is based on custom, tradition and common law. The Parliament is the supreme legislative body and the highest authority in the UK. It consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords (law-making is its main function). British parliamentary system is one of the oldest in the world. In present-day Britain there are two big political parites, the Labour Party and the Conservative Party Наш главный оранжевый плейлист: ************************************************************ Также смотрите наиважнейшие плейлисты проекта канала – Английский язык по плейлистам (ссылки также есть на главной странице канала): 1) ОРАНЖЕВЫЙ ПЛЕЙЛИСТ - АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ДО АВТОМАТИЗМА (уроки английского языка с нуля до
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