19 Peace song in Ukrainian, Russian and Yiddish

Chassidic Sabbath song, adaptation by Adrienne Cooper, Polina Shepherd and Varnichkes Ensemble (Lviv) Translations: Ukrainian: I have power to run through the streets to shout “Peace! Peace! Peace!“. Russian: There is strength in my heart. With courageous body and spirit I will run through the world shouting “Peace, Peace, Peace!”. Yiddish: Because I have power I must run through the streets and shout “Peace, peace, peace!”. The London Russian Choir and Brighton and Hove Russian Choir bring together music lovers from many backgrounds and promote culture, unity and building bridges through singing. On 3 June 2022 we came together to sing for peace. At the concert, the choirs collected donations to Sunflower Relief , a humanitarian aid in Ukraine.
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