Easy & Simple Contemporary Abstract Painting In Acrylics | Paper Technique Without Palette Knife

HI everyone, on this video i show how to paint a simple contemporary abstract art made with “paper technique“ using acrylics.. that i believe you can also do by yourself.. just follow the steps that on the video.. I hope this video was useful and helped to your works someway.. ► Support me in making great content for Art: ► Donate: If you choose to support me on Paypal or you are helping me to keep on creating these paintings and videos. I am following my dream of living as full time artist and together with your great help we well be able to create the beautiful paintings. Thank you for a wonderful support and time! I’m realy appreciate that!! Please subscribe to stay informed about new videos. Feel free to share this video on your pages (facebook & twitter) Love & peace :o) Blog:
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