How To Spray Paint Multicamesque Camouflage Patterns

Howdy Folks, This video will demonstrate How To Spray Paint Multicamesque Camouflage Patterns. Some of you may not have noticed, but I like the Multicam camouflage pattern, just a little bit... OKAY! I Admit It! I Have A Problem! I’m A Multicamoholic! Shortly after Crye Precision introduced the Multicam pattern (20 years ago) and I began to purchase Multicam patterned products, I started experimenting with duplicating this unique pattern. After multiple attempts, I believe I have achieved the ability to adequately reproduce a “Multicamesque“ version with spray paint. I will take the viewer step by step through the entire process of how I spray paint a “Multicamesque“ camouflage pattern. I paint a Nalgene Water Bottle to demonstrate the process. However, this technique can be applied to any item you wish to camouflage. If Multicam is not your “cup of tea“, No Worries! The technique and process I demonstrate can be used to paint any pattern or
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