Assassin’s Creed 3 - Rare Alpha & Beta Gameplay Footage [2010 - 2012]

Assassin’s Creed 3 - Rare Alpha & Beta Gameplay Footage of the Development [2010 - 2012] 00:00 - Testing how new environments would look like. 00:20 - Early Connor and Ezio comparison. 01:20 - Physics and movement system testing. 03:21 - Parkour animation. 05:00 - Previsualisation and rehearsal of combat. 05:58 - Combat motion capture. 06:28 - Combat realisation. 07:24 - Animal animation. 08:12 - Gameplay Prototype. 13:01 - Movement based assassinations. 13:49 - Crowd life and interaction, NPC animation. 14:52 - Early Bunker Hill mission gameplay. 15:15 - Compilation of the new character animations.
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