The strongest CLEANSING OF THE BODY and SOUL! Stunning POSITIVE Changes in LIFE | Sound Therapy

The purest and divine sound and positive vibrations of the singing bowl, carries: calming the soul, fills the house with light and harmony, improves the energy of the space and heals the household. You can use the bowl for meditation and for relaxing the body. The singing bowl is an amazing, amazing, fantastic and wonderful feng shui instrument, which in addition to everything else: normalizes blood pressure and blood flow, increases immunity and strengthens the heart and vascular walls, harmonizes internal organs, improves sleep and performance, brings success in all matters and helps to find happiness and harmony in life. For a complete cleansing of the soul and body, this video should be listened to with headphones for at least 7 days, three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening) All Health and Success! 🎧 The use of headphones is recommended. For more great chakra healing music, please subscribe to our channel here:
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