Extraterrestrial Contact and Human Consciousness - Adnan Ademovic
The UFO and ET phenomena encompasses a wide variety of subjects. At its core, it questions everything we hold to be truth, from our day-to-day beliefs to deeply rooted societal and religious systems. It is not the nature or intention of those visiting us to cause disruptions in our day-to-day lives, but unless we start looking within to figure out who and what we are, and why we are here, we will not be any closer to understanding these visitors than we were fifty years ago.
After my personal experiences as a child and later on more intensive experiences as an adult, I’ve learned that there is so much more to these “UFOs” then we think. We have been in the process of contact and a change in consciousness for quiet a while now. To try and explain and connect all the dots would take years, but it is my hope that by encouraging interested individuals to look into different subjects, you will start to understand that ALL is connected and that contact with “Aliens” is just a process we are going through to