ABG (asian baby girl) transformation | turning myself into a ~baddie~ heheh
here’s my attempt at turning myself into an ABG (asian baby girl) :0
some abg/abb transformations by some lovely ppl :’) :
michelle choi’s video:
hana lee’s video:
yoora jung’s video:
ivan lam’s video:
this video has been long requested and i finally tried out this look! i had lots of fun doing this,, and to actual abg’s out there, y’all look great :’’) this video was just for fun and i love playing with my makeup look, so i hope you enjoy this video! thank you for watching and i will see you next time!!
love, neen.
OLENS scandal 1day gray lenses:
dear klairs bb cream:
the saem ideal concealer duo (01 clear beige):
etude house slim drawing eye brow pencil:
colourpop going coconuts palette
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Natural Korean Makeup to IG Baddie/Asian Baby Girl (ABG) Transformation (still in shock)
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ABG (asian baby girl) transformation | turning myself into a ~baddie~ heheh
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