ASMR | Color Vision Test

HELLO ALL! WELCOME BACK to a new *gibi got a fun toy and now we’re going to make a video with it* video! c: My faaaaavorite favorite unintentional ASMR are eye exams - and I really enjoy colorblind tests, etc... ahhh. So I ordered a few legit ones and read up on things!! Shoutout to one of my latest favorite channels, SRP ASMR, who coincidentally just did a Farnsworth D15 video, if you enjoyed this, you’ll definitely want to check him out too! His whole channel is actually gold omg I also wanted to link Rudrani Banik, MD’s youtube channel, because her content gave me a lot of the info I say in this video! Including the apps at the end, those were suggested by her, a *legitimate* doctor, haha, so I want to link that too: Other than that, the video is quite straightforward, so please sit back, relax, and enjoy c: Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 4:55 - Test Explanation 7:30 - Pseudoisochromatic Plates Test 19:40 - Farnsworth Col
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