Camera To Save Life (1964)

Full title reads: “London. Camera To Save Life“. London. Dr Gordon shows his invention - the echo encephalograph - to help head injuries. GV Bus accident in Oxford Street. LV Pan showing the bus up against wall. LV Injured people being helped into ambulance. SV Injured man lying on ground. GV Pan Ambulance arriving at Willesden hospital with Emergency accident case. CU Sign “Receiving Room“ SV Patient being treated for head injury. CU Pan. ditto. LV Dr Douglas Gordon seated at his echo encephalograph. CU The small screen on which echoes are shown. CU Doctor Gordon speaking. He says “To show a brain displacement by X-Rays takes an hour or more and is not without danger to the patient“. He stops speaking. SV As Patient sits down near the encephalograph CU As Ultrasonic probe is applied to patient’s head. Wild track of Dr Gordon explaining the technique. Various shots of him showing his other machine the Tomograph which looks like an early type of scanner to produce images of the head. He shows X rays
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