Collected statements from Sergei Lavrov during the government hour in the State Duma:

Collected statements from Sergei Lavrov during the government hour in the State Duma: - The Russian Federation is at the forefront of the fight for a better future for the world; - The Russian Federation remains open to a political and diplomatic settlement in Ukraine, taking into account its interests; - The US is trying to manage the chaos, destabilizing region after region; - The plans of the Western minority to isolate the Russian Federation have failed, but the potential for hostility has not been exhausted; - The Russian Federation is strengthening the potential of the CSTO together with its allies; the task of forming continental security in Eurasia is ripe; - Relations between the Russian Federation and China are at the best stage in history; - The Russian Federation considers the development of relations with China to be the most important task; the dialogue between Putin and Xi Jinping plays a key role in this; - The Russian Federation is working to expand its diplomatic presence in Africa. Источник: Russian Head
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