How Old Are Your Ears ? Hearing Test

How Old Are Your Ears ? Hearing Test Although it is widely accepted that the audible area of a man ranges between about 20 Hz and 20 kHz, it is possible for young children to hear frequencies up to 22 khz. THIS TEST ONLY GIVES AN APPROXIMATE AGE. For a better result, the video must be watched in HD and you need to have good internet connection otherwise youtube decrease audio quality. The quality of your headphones (it is not necessarily the most expensive the best for this test) or loudspeaker can have an impact of several thousand Hz on the result. Apple seems to block frequencies from 16khz. You may also have an equalizer that removes high frequencies. You can also try on multiple devices. You will get a better result if you have not been confronted in the last 48 hours with a loud noise. Don’t listen too loud. A low sound volume is sufficient, you can increase it slightly when you approach the area where you stop hearing. Due to youtube compression the maximum frequency
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