What Child is This - Olga Startseva and her children Henry and Radost-Eva

Merry Christmas!!! This is the old version of the song. So they sang in the XVI-th century in England during the time of King Henry VIII. Revealing love of Jesus Christ, my seriously ill husband wrote today: “ In Love you see everyone as relatives“. Our Family will be grateful to you for donations for cancer treatment for my husband Vladimir. Funds can be sent by Western Union or Unistream transfer to the number 375259274870 Belarus, Minsk, Olga Vkladimirovna Startseva or by transfer to a Visa card 4255 1901 2869 6187 card valid until 11/24 Раскрывая любовь Иисуса Христа, мой тяжелобольной муж сегодня написал: “В любви всех видишь родными“. Наша семья будет вам благодарна за пожертвования на лечение от онкологического заболевания моего мужа Владимира. Средства можно отправить переводом Western Union or Unistream на номер 375299246250 Belarus, Minsk, Startseva Olga Vladimirovna или переводом на карту Visa 4255 1901 2869 6187 срок действия карты до 11/24
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