Two Falls, created with UE5, shows the contrast between two cultures | Game Profile | Unreal Engine

Two Falls (Nishu Takuatshina) is a narrative adventure that takes place in the Canadian wilderness of the 17th century. It tells the tale of newly-shipwrecked French settlers meeting the Indigenous people of the region. To craft that narrative, Unreliable Narrators collaborated with a number of authentic sources, including a council of First Nations elders, composer Eadsé, and the Indigenous 3D artists at Awastoki. - Two Falls is an adventure in the 17th Century Canadian wilderness - The story is about French settlers and the Indigenous people meeting - Contrasting art styles and sound design connect you to each protagonist - The studio collaborated with First Nation elders and Indigenous artists - An Epic MegaGrant provided validation of the team’s vision - Unreal Engine 5 “really accelerated” the studio’s development of Two Falls - Lumen was an “amazing tool” for beautiful and natural lighting - Two Falls aims to give visibility to lesser-known cultures Read more at
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