NEW Bruce MacDonald - The Devil Us - A Memoir of You and Me Part 2 of 2

Part 2 of 2. New Book: The Devil & Us - A Memoir of You and Me =pd_ybh_a_d_sccl_2/134-9348047-0934160?pd_rd_w=e45sd&content-id=&pf_rd_p=67f8cf21-ade4-4299-b433-69e404eeecf1&pf_rd_r=YTVKC1T1ZY7EZE1023V9&pd_rd_wg=x4B9o&pd_rd_r=343d2ba0-5037-4c34-899b-0bad8348cfb2&pd_rd_i=1777095751&psc=1 The Bruce MacDonald playlist of videos is at Hidden history, conspiracies, and esoteric knowledge. • Speaker 2, Bruce discusses the Tartarian history. Also, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Walt Whitman, and Henry David Thoreau. • Speaker 2 believes there has been a war between wizards and magicians, with the magicians using covert warfare to gain control of the world. • Speaker 2 discusses the erasure of ancient knowledge and the mysteries of history, including the origins of the Hungarian language and the existence of ritual sacrifice cultures. • Speaker 2 interviews experts, including criminal profiler Corinne and individuals raised in satanic cults, to explore the human side of the devil and the culture of ritual sacrifice. Spiritual warfare and the importance of acknowledging darkness. • Speaker 2 emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and understanding the dark side of life, citing the need for spiritual growth and conscious participation in the ongoing spiritual war. • Speaker 2 criticizes religious institutions like the Vatican for withholding knowledge of the dark side, instead relying on exorcisms to address problems without empowering individuals to take responsibility for their own spiritual growth. • Brian shares personal experiences of friends affected by vaccines, including two who died after getting the vaccine. • Speaker 2 discusses how institutions have been infiltrated and taken over by “the Devil“ or “darkness,“ leading to infantilization of society in the West. Psychologist’s research on child killers, including supernatural elements. • Speaker 2 shares story of interviewing child killer in rural France, where his eyes turned black and he grabbed her. • Speaker 2 became leading expert on cult of child sacrifice and Satanism after rational psychological investigation. Dark magic, blood rituals, and spiritual currency. • Speaker 2 discusses blood libel cases in Germany and England, including the 1500s case of Little Simon of Trent. • Speakers discuss black magic, blood sacrifice, and occult practices in modern society. • Speaker 2: Negative and positive forces cooperate in reality creation. • Speaker 1: Good and evil are intertwined, like Yin and Yang in universe. Current events, conspiracy theories, and political analysis. • Speaker 1: West must grow spiritually to survive, not worry about minority causes. • Speaker 2: Antichrist figure will sacrifice own to seem like friend, temple coming back. • Speaker 2: Jewish but not Jews, like 33rd degree Masons masquerading as Methodists. • Speaker 2: US and Canadian governments controlled by Zionists, sacrificial lambs for great turning. Depopulation in Ukraine and potential plans for the US and Canada. • Speaker 2 discusses depopulation exercise in Ukraine, mentioning Neil deGrasse Tyson’s explanation of modern nuclear warfare without radioactivity. • Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 discuss the origins of the Consortium and their potential desire for their homeland back. • Speaker 1 suggests depopulation of Ukraine is part of a larger plan for the US and Canada. • Speaker 2 agrees, noting that control of key ports and cities would give Zionists significant power. Gaza, Israel, and morality. • Speaker 2 argues that Western compassion is unique and that drug violence in Central America is related to the disappearance of young men. • Speakers discuss Israel’s actions towards Palestinians, perceived motivations, and global implications. Potential Chinese invasion of the US. • Speaker 2 predicts US State Department will invite Palestinians to live in US, perceiving them as enemies for funding Israel. • Speaker 2 doubts China poses significant threat, citing economic challenges and lack of socialized medicine. • Speaker 2: Chinese are responsible and mature about managing their own karma, but unclear if they want to shift power to China or Russia. • Speaker 2: Chinese consulate in San Francisco has a daily lineup for visa applications, suggesting an emerging world power. Depopulation, aliens, and personal responsibility. • Speaker 1 predicts depopulation in the US and Canada, possibly through contaminated water or disease. • Speaker 2 suggests that people should take control of their lives by growing their own food and moving to rural areas to avoid the negative effects of depopulation. • Speaker 2 claims that baby boomers are being targeted for depopulation.
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