Катя Лель - Мой мармеладный (Я не права) (Katya Lel - My Marmalade) (türkçe çeviri)

Katya Lel’ recalled working on this song with Maxim Fadeev in an interview: When I saw this lyrics, I asked: «What does mean jaga-jaga?» He answered: «You didn’t know? That’s a teen slang, that means «Hey, what’t up? Everithing is cool!» Maxim Fadeev describes differently in an interview: What’s unclear here, this lyrics are about sex. «Try muah-muah, try jaga-jaga» — It’s just a censorship form of offer: «Let’s have sex». In my, everything is clear, and even awkward for me to explain this to you… Why search hidden sense there, where is not?! Both interviews were published in Alexander Gorbachev’s book: «Don’t Be Shy: A History of Post-Soviet Pop Music in 169 Songs». bu yazı Katya Lel’in bir röportajı burda nakarat kısmından bahsediyor anlayacağınız şekilde, türkçesi de; Katya Lel’, bir röportajda Maxim Fadeev ile bu şarkı üzerinde çalıştığını
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