[Girls’ Frontline] Shattered Connexion - Zombie, Hard BGM (Seamless 30m)
Map & Battle BGM in the Girls’ Frontline major event, Shattered Connexion.
Seamlessly looped for at least 30 minutes, or 6 whole-sequence loops of 1 intro and 3 chorus/main part loops in this case; in other words 6(1i3c) loops, if that makes sense.
Composer: Vanguard Sound
Illust: Event 2nd Phase Login Screen(?),
by Paindude
Zombie, Normal ver:
GFL Shattered Connexion BGMs Loop Playlist:
Audio sourced from in-game to preserve sound quality.
Looping based on in-game, with slight adjustment for some loop misalignment, for a seamless loop.
1:03 Main
2:24 Loop point
5:25 Loopback to Intro
Loop pt.:Cut-in next loop from 2: to 1:, while fixing the slight misalignment.
4th loop variation:The 4th loop starts at 5:, then the intro
1 view
3 months ago 00:01:31 1
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