Injuries: Something’s Gotta Change

In response to some comments: 1. I am NOT saying that elite gymnastics should not exist. I do think, however, that there have been an unusual amount of injuries since the new code of points was introduced. I obviously love gymnastics and think that it would be the end of the world if it did not exist. Maybe that is a little bit extreme, but you get my point. 2. At least 90% of these gymnasts competed or attempted a comeback after these injuries occurred (some probably would have retired when they did either way). It is not pleasant to watch them all in a row, but these girls ended up being okay and only one of them that I know of seems to be truly upset about their gymnastics career. That’s it. Thanks for watching! Those terrible times when we are reminded that these gymnasts are just little girls (except for maybe Chusovitina ;)) who have the weight of the world on their shoulders. I was originally going to use another song, but I heard this one and it was too perfect. Goodnight, code
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