Oddest Abe - Lemonquest

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “ThIS was the first song I recorded for this album. It was recorded in one or two sessions back in September of 2014. I made it for a good friend of mine. He just gave me a song topic and I made this monstrosity for him. This song still impresses me when I listen to it. The way all the instruments follow each other as they get more, and less intense. The kind of underlying order within the chaos. The spontaneous moments when the bass and guitar play with each other for just a bit before they split off again. And the lyrics that tell a story but intentionally get off topic or throw in the occasional nonsensical sentence just to make reading the story a bit harder. All shouted with a megaphone by some insane storyteller. It doesn’t even feel like I made this song. It feels more like I just found this song on my computer one day, and put my name on it. This whole album was made because I wanted to give this song some context to exist in. lyrics The one horned beast bays at my approach. It’s true form now revealed. The meadow reeks of citrus and the collective piss of years alone. The lemon is denied me. It golden hue I’m not to eye taste. If I were warmer, maybe not. But my saddle’s made of pine trees and my veins are tied in nooses. Where did I go wrong? What fluid does it need. It’s penis sways. like a dead man. like a fish. flopping. as if it were a creature itself. Oh great one horned two eyed three winged four legged Five!!!!! Oh great one horned two eyed three winged four legged horse. It wishes for my friendship. but I do knot a tie. that’s not how you wear it. I know. My nakedness apparent by the shape between my thighs. It’s the only way to be honest now a days. It stamps upon the ground with a soft squelching noise. spraying bile from it’s hairs It says “I know your name“ I do too I say. What a wonderful landscape it is that you protect. Two bats sit on an’ ought to talk more. Now stop seducing my brother from the past he’s much too easily amused. Oh great one horned two eyed three winged four legged Five!!!!! Oh great one horned two eyed three winged four legged horse. If I were born a girly maybe it would be mine. but I was not asked my preference. I was not given a dollie. This is my pony now. It’s bought two bees dead. and kept them alive here for more years than I’ve lived. I’m afraid to see what they’ve become. big and gold like the fruit that I seek. Mike the boot said I’m bleak. It hurts me. like the horn in my abdomen. the boys will all starve now, once the lady’s milk dries up. Oh great one horned two eyed three winged four legged Five!!!!! Oh great one horned two eyed three winged four legged horse. Oh great one horned two eyed three winged four legged Five!!!!! Oh great one horned two eyed three winged four legged horse. from Boring, released January 2, 2016 All sounds were performed, recorded, produced, mixed, & mastered by Oddest Abe. Inspiration: Captain Beefheart, Peter Brotzman, Midori, & The Boredoms.“
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