Trump-Netanyahu Meeting: A Reset for Relations?

A week before the February 15, 2017 meeting between President Donald J. Trump and Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, the Institute hosted a policy forum to discuss the issues that may be on their agenda. The panelists included: Robert Satloff, executive director of The Washington Institute and author of its Transition 2017 paper “Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem: From Campaign Promise to Policy Challenge.“ David Makovsky, the Institute’s Ziegler Distinguished Fellow, director of its Project on the Middle East Peace Process, and coauthor of its Transition 2017 paper “Toward a New Paradigm for Addressing the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.“ Yoaz Hendel, a political columnist for Yediot Ahronot newspaper, chairman of the Institute for Zionist Strategies, and former director of communications and public diplomacy for Prime Minister Netanyahu.
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