Toy Design Cristian Bredee Part 1

I’m very happy to show a new video showing some of my work, just finished part 1, next part will be ready in 2019. To see more detailed stuff, go to: Special thanks to: Top Design communication agency and Toy Plus for adding me in the Star Wars and Cars 3 projects. Juan Gedovius for the Rodobolos Characters (Seen in background of video). Gabo Gedovius and the team in Martins Toys for helping build up the first Olocoons brand. Ivette Lakatos for leading the project of the rotomolded park toys. Romain Jolivet for trusting me in the design of the Foldable Football Court project. CIDI UNAM. Ulises Fierro for the editing of the Rodobolos video. All visual content and music by: Cristián Bredée Software used: Solidworks 2017, Modo 12, Rhinoceros 5, Reason 9 and Adobe CC.
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