Chechen Special Forces Preparing To Head To Ukraine

A minimum of 10k Chechen Troops have been mobilized for deployment to Ukraine, which includes a Battalion of Chechen special forces ’hunters’ has been unleashed in Ukraine to detain or kill a set of specific Ukrainian officials. Each soldier was reportedly given a special ’deck of cards’ with Ukrainian officials’ photos and descriptions on them, a Moscow Telegram channel with links to the security establishment reported. The list is of officials and security officers suspected of ’crimes’ by the Russian Investigative Committee, the report added. It came as Ukraine’s president admitted he is ’target number one’ for Russian assassins in his capital, while his family is ’the number two goal’ for Putin’s hitmen. The Chechen squad is thought to be in a Ukrainian forest and was allegedly given an ’order to kill’ if those on the wanted list could not be detained. State TV in Chechnya reported that Ramzan Kadyrov, 45,
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