The Perfect Ergonomic Desk Setup To Avoid Back & Neck Pain

A poor office ergonomic setup can cause neck pain & stiffness, back pain, RSI, poor circulation, or fatigue. This 15 point ergonomic checklist will help avoid the issues related to sitting in front of a computer all day. ‘The 3 Essential Exercises EVERYONE Should Do’ … Watch this EXCLUSIVE video, only here: QUESTIONS? I answer questions here now: I’ve started a Facebook Group to help people achieve their musculo-skeletal goals. Join here… AND I’m developing a Coaching Program! Over 12 weeks, I help people with posture related issues—like neck, shoulder, & upper back pain—discover their root problem and correct it using science-backed mobilising, stretching, & strengthening exercises… so they can feel straight, strong, flexible, & pain free again (and get back to doing what they love). Find out more, and join the wait list here… ---------------------------------------- What are the 4 most common causes of neck stiffness & forward head posture? How To Get Rid Of Shoulder Knots & Tightness in 3 minutes ---------------------------------------- #bodyfixexercises #ergonomics #ergonomic
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