Same entry - Ushiro waza & chudan tsuki

Aikido Berlin seminar Part 4 2020 🎥 Content of the Aikido video: 🔎 Ushiro waza and chudan tsuki freeing the legs 0:06 ushiro entry leting pass uke using a leverage effect who allows you to dodge uke and at the same time bring you in his back 0:28 kokyu nage The body leverage effect allows you to dive, to disappear Use your hands like a blade 1:50 ikkyo omote Using the feeling of kaiten nage (a leverage effect who bring you forward) 2:26 ushiro katate dori kubishime / kokyu nage Same form ( disappearing before the grap ) 3:08 Ushiro and chudan tsuki same entry managing the same axis with the same spirit 3:49 kokyu nage Enjoy the video ! Playlist : ushiro ryote dori TO SUBSCRIBE / POUR S’ABONNER👇 — TO FO
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