Разбор диалога из сериала Открыто круглосуточно / Open All Hours

Разбираем диалоги из сериалов на английском языке. Практикуем разговорную речь. Улучаем понимание беглой речи на слух. Узнаем новые слова и их применение в контексте. Ссылка на плейлист Key Vocabulary till a machine in a store or other business that records each sale and into which money paid by customers is put float a small amount of money kept by someone who works in a bar, etc., used for giving customers their change fed up with very tired of (something) angry about (something that has continued for a long time) there’s more to life the expression means that though our work and pursuit are important in life. But that’s not the only important thing in life. There’s more to life. There are more things which are equally important. not know (any) better to not have the knowledge or development to behave correctly or make an informed decision advantage to make someone or something more likely to be successful by creating a situation that helps them cut to the quick (idiom) to hurt someone’s feelings a lot keep (someone/something) out of something to avoid becoming involved in something, or to stop someone or something becoming involved in something fairy lights small electric lights on a string used as decoration, especially on trees at Christmas ayup (exclamation) something that is said to attract someone’s attention leave someone/something alone to not annoy, change, or touch someone or something
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