Miranda Devine is the bestselling-selling author of ’Laptop From Hell’ and ’The Big Guy: How A President And His Son Sold Out America’. Notably she was the journalist at the New York Post who Rudy Guiliani trusted with the infamous Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020.
In this thorough we deep dive we look at the Biden Family dealings - from China to Ukraine, and every way they’ve taken advantage of Joe Biden’s position as leader of the Free World.
What laws did they break?
How much money did they make?
How did they get away with it?
How was it covered up?
What does this mean for the upcoming
... election between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump?
Fresh after the release of her newest book ’The Big Guy’, this sizzling interview will blow your mind, just as it blew mine...
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0:00 - Hunter Biden’s Laptop and Initial Discovery
1:57 - Rudy Giuliani and John Paul Mac Isaac’s Role
9:42 - Hunter Biden’s Influence Peddling Scheme
20:45 - Joe Biden’s Potential Involvement and Financial Benefits
28:52 - The Biden Family’s Lavish Lifestyle
40:25 - Hunter Biden’s Personal Struggles and the Laptop
44:45 - The Ukraine Connection and Influence Peddling
47:07 - The Role of the FBI and the IRS in the Investigation
1:06:27 - The Cover-Up and False Media Narratives
2:25:37 - The Impact of the Laptop EvidenceShow more