Ridero: How to download the book in a proper format

Once you have prepared the book for publication, you may download the book in the most common electronic formats for reading on your reader, self-distribution or for printing in the printing house. To download the book in convenient format, go to the Publication window and select the Download a book in any of these formats card. The most common formats for e-books are epub, fb2, mobi and pdf. The book in epub format is available for download at no charge. To download the book in mobi, fb2 formats, and in print ready pdf format – be sure to click on the Buy all formats button at the bottom of the page. You will be redirected to the payment system. You may pay via PayPal or by credit card. After payment, the book will be available for download in all formats. If you want to amend the book after the verification of the downloaded file, you may go back to the Text window or the Book cover window, make changes to your book, save them and re-download the book in the relevant format. After payment, the number of downloads of the book in any format is unlimited. You may download the files in the Publication window and in the Services window. What book format to choose and which programs to use for reading – please see our FAQ section – Services.
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