Nomadic Home at Risk: The Growing Threat of House Destruction

Hello dear viewers Nasibulah and Sakineh, a young nomadic couple, have been able to build a winter house for their warm life in the cold days ahead with great effort, but along with other Iranian nomads, they have recently been involved in the issue of land ownership by the Natural Resources Department. In addition to the negative side effects on the mind of this couple, it has also led to an increase in verbal and physical tensions with the land seller. Today, while Nasibulah and his wife were finishing their kitchen, they received a serious notice from the land seller, according to which, Nasibulah must from now on personally follow up on the problem of his land from the mentioned office and remove it from the national resources. slow and otherwise, the risk of destroying their nomadic home will be very, very serious. It seems that the days ahead are very fateful days in the life of this nomadic couple. stay with us ____ please click below to subscribe Rustic Echo family!
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