The Last Concert of the Alexandrov Red Army Choir (2016)

The last concert of the Twice Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army under A.V. Alexandrov at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, 2016. Conductor - Valery Khalilov In the memory of all who perished in a tragic airplane crash over the Black Sea on December 25, 2016. REST IN PEACE, DEAR ARTISTS OF THE ALEXANDROV ENSEMBLE! YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN OUR HEARTS! Playlist: 00:00:12 - Александровская песня (Alexandrov’s song) 00:04:23 - Шли солдаты (Soldiers walking) 00:08:24 - Казачья кавалерийская (Cossack dance) 00:13:40 - Ах, ты степь широкая (Oh, you wide steppe) 00:18:26 - Двенадцать разбойников (Twelve robberies) 00:22:45 - Эпиталама Виндекса из оперы “Нерон“ (from opera “Neron“) 00:25:36 - “Хор пленных иудеев“ из оперы “Набуко“ (The Choir of Jewish prisoners) 00:30:02 - Итальянский парафраз (Italian paraphrase) 00:36:44 - В путь (On the way!) 00:40:28 - Смуглянка (Dark-skinned girl “Smuglyanka“) 00:44:30 - Черноглазая казачка (Dark-eyed Cossack Girl) 00:47:52 - Марш “Маршал Жуков“ из к/ф “Битва з
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