Madonna impersonator and Madonna lookalike on Vicki. Donny lookalike and Denise impersonator

Donni & I shooting an episode of VICKI! This was my 2nd performance on the show. Donni did not dance so she wanted to do this fashion show which was fun. Donni and I agreed we would “be ourselves“ during the interview but she decided to go full speed Madonna (which she does amazingly) but to be clear I am not a wanna-be Madonna. I am an impersonator and bring the character to life through stage performances or voice over work. If I had a dime for every time I have been in this situation where someone wanted to BE Madonna- that is not me. I love her wholeheartedly and there is only 1 Madonna. I pay tribute on stage as my gratitude and love for her. As a celebrity lookalike expert- I always suggest to “save it for the stage“ and to have a strong sense of self before working in this industry.
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