Women in Machine Learning Symposium 2021 livestream

The Women in ML Symposium is a safe space for women and gendered minorities to come together and speak freely about career development through knowledge sharing and networking. Everyone is welcome to attend! This event focuses on empowering women to advance their careers, join open source communities, seek out leadership opportunities, and how we all can support gender equity in the ML community. 00:00 Welcome 1:53 Starting soon 10:25 Introduction 12:39 Why diversity matters in Machine Learning communities 24:35 Making OSS Machine Learning communities more diverse 41:40 Fireside chat - From being the only woman in the room to empowering the next generation 1:16:19 Coffee break 1:29:00 How to get started in Machine Learning 2:26:06 Key takeaways Watch more: Watch all the Women in ML Symposium Sessions → Subscribe to TensorFlow → #WIMLsymposium product: ML Kit - General; ev
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