Today we will show everyone how the Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen live as they wait in line before being sent to the front l

Today we will show everyone how the Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen live as they wait in line before being sent to the front line. How they turn houses abandoned by civilians into homeless buildings. Only people who have completely sunk to the bottom of life can live in such conditions. The worst thing about this video is that this is the house of non-mobilized soldiers. This is how junior officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine live. Cheap alcohol in huge quantities, complete unsanitary conditions, permissiveness and, worst of all, the presence of weapons. This video shows the consequences of drinking. The officer’s corpse has already been removed. All that was left was a pool of blood. In the morning, officers from headquarters came to do protocols and investigations and were a little shocked by what they saw... And this is the situation in all the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We are publishing this video so that everyone knows how things really are in the army. We knew that everything was bad in the military units, but we didn’t think it was this bad. That the officers brought themselves to such a bestial state. But now we know why the Ukrainian Armed Forces are ready to kill themselves, each other and civilians... We Beregini! We know everything! Источник: Lord Of War
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