Weekly Torah Portion: Korach

Twas arrogance and jealousy, pride and a lack of faith in both Moshe and HaShem which swallowed up Korach, causing his precipitous demise. Brilliant and charismatic, he could have been a contender instead of a poster boy for the sin of self aggrandizement, which is his sole claim to fame to this very day. Korach (Numbers 16:1 - 18:32) Parashat Korach is read on Shabbat: Sivan 26, 5779/June 29, 2019 This teaching was originally recorded in 2018. Rabbi Richman will be unable to record new parasha teachings for the upcoming two weeks. Jews living in the diaspora are reading parashat Shelach (Numbers 13:1 - 15:41) this week: Visit us: Become a fan on facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Look for us on Instagram: Weekly Newsletter: 31 YEARS of the TEMPLE INSTITUTE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT:
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