ZOMBIES 3 I’m Finally Me Parody | Amphibia, DuckTales & MORE | Broken Karaoke | @disneychannel

In this cover of “I’m Finally Me” from ZOMBIES 3, The Disney Channel’s greatest animated villains gather together to sing a power anthem about how good it is to be evil. “Evil As Can Be” features Darcy and King Andrias from Amphibia, Glomgold from DuckTales, Dr. Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb, and Lord Hater and Killbot 86 from Wander Over Yonder. Lyrics Doofenshmirtz DON’T BE SHY, EVIL VILLAINS! HUDDLE UP! DARCY, EVERYONE ACCOUNTED FOR? Darcy WELL DR. DOOF, WE’VE GOT THE DESTRUCTRESS, FIST PUNCHER... KILLBOT 86?! IT’S BEEN FOREVER, YOU LOOK GOOD DUDE! Killbot AWW THANKS, JUST HAPPY TO BE INCLUDED. Doofenshmirtz ALRIGHT BADDIES, LET’S DO THIS! Darcy PROFESSOR EXCLAMATION’S LOOKING ON POINT. US VILLAINS GOT THE STYLE. LOVE THIS HAT! WHOA! OH NO! SHEGO IS HERE TO SCARE UP THIS JOINT. WE GO THE EVIL MILE! Doofenshmirtz MY TURN! BILL CIPHER WANTS TO RULE EVERY DIMENSION. FLINTHEART GLOMGOLD LOVES HIS SHARKS. Glomgold OW! Doofenshmirtz KING ANDRIAS GETS AN HONORABLE MENTION, IN SPITE OF HIS REDEMPTION ARC! Ensemble EVIL AS CAN BE! GONNA RUIN YOUR DAY! TAKE ALL YOUR JOY AWAY! ROCKIN’ AN EVIL GOATEE! WE’VE GOT BRUTAL SCHEMES! WE’LL MAKE YOUR KIDDOS CRY! DROP MISSILES FROM THE SKY! JUST WANNA CRUSH ALL YOUR DREAMS! King Andrias EMPEROR BELOS IS FELLOWS WITH DRAKKEN AND LUDO AS WELL... Doofenshmirtz DRAKKEN! EVIL SCIENTIST CLUB! King Andrias MEGAVOLT GETS DRINKS WITH JINX AND MAGICA DE SPELL! Darcy WAIT, ARE WE SURE CHIP WHISTLER SHOULD BE HERE? A SUPERMARKET CEO? REALLY? Glomgold NO IT’S COOL. HE TRIED TO FLATTEN A FAMILY’S HOUSE INTO A PARKING LOT. Darcy OH! CORPORATE VILLAIN. NOICE. Ensemble EVIL AS CAN BE! WE’LL TALK A LOT OF SMACK AND STAB YOU IN THE BACK! DESTRUCTION FILLS US WITH GLEE! WE MAKE GREAT TV! YOU KNOW YOU LOVE TO HATE THE FACT THAT WE’RE SO GREAT! REVEL IN OUR VILLAINY! Ha ha! Andrias Oh so fun! Killbot 86 Love you guys! King Andrias WAIT, WHAT ARE WE DOING? WE’RE VILLAINS! Lord Hater *GASP* WAS I JUST... HUGGING? UGH! Glomgold AHH! Why does that shark keep hitting me? Watch the next Broken Karaoke here: In Broken Karaoke, your favorite Disney characters take the stage and sing hilarious parodies of iconic pop songs! Check out more Broken Karaoke videos here: #zombies3 #brokenkaraoke #disneychannel
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