Sumo Wrestling Highlights on Day 9 of May Basho in Tokyo, Japan 🇯🇵

🗺️ TOKYO, JAPAN Join us for a thrilling day at the Official Sumo Tournaments, known as “basho,“ held at Ryōguku Kokugikan, the national sumo stadium in Tokyo. On the 9th day of the major sumo championships in May 2023, we witnessed intense battles, surprising upsets, and historic moments. In this video, we capture the essence of sumo with highlights from some of the most exciting matches. From powerful throws to skillful footwork, sumo’s timeless sport offers a captivating experience for both newcomers and hardcore fans. Witness the colossal sumo wrestlers stepping into the ring, displaying their strength and technique. The standout bout of the day was between Meisei and Terunofuji. In an awe-inspiring display of strength, Meisei delivered a forceful charge at the start, unsettling the formidable Yokozuna, Terunofuji. With relentless thrusts, Meisei maneuvered Terunofuji towards the edge and ultimately claimed victory, handing Terunofuji his first loss of the
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