Cinematic Action Trailer Title Animation in After Effects | After Effects Tutorial

This Tutorial is about how to create cinematic Action trailer title in adobe after effects without the use of any plugins. To make this intro you will need you your texts and some footage You can create this project in a couple of minutes, All required files can be downloaded from the below link you can use this project as title trailer for your short films or any of your videos and also as a logo reveal animation in after effects. Unlimited downloads of stock videos, royalty-free music, photos, graphics, graphic templates & more. The only creative subscription you need. Get 70% discount on the first month: 📁 PROJECT FILE LINK 👉 MUSIC USED 👉 Theri (Original Signature Sound) Background Sound VIDEO FOOTAGE SOURCE 👉 Theri Official Trailer | 2K | Vijay, Samantha, Amy Jackson | Atlee | Kumar BACKGROUND MUSIC USED 👉 Subscribe and hit the bell to
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