So much Grace | አቤት ጸጋው | Kama Hesed [Live Hebrew Israeli Ethiopian Worship] @BERESHEET Isra

“No one can tell me Yeshua is not alive, I’ve seen His work in my life, and I’m standing here only by grace“ 30 worshippers filled with thanksgiving singing our heart to Yeshua in unity! We were so blessed to collaborate on this Hebrew Israeli Ethiopian Worship (@BERESHEET ISRAEL) with SOLU Israel, a great and known worship team in the land of Israel. This is only a taste of what the Lord is doing all across Israel, stirring hearts with what is on His, to write fresh new music praise that is revealing his Heart to His people. BERESHEET ISRAEL- WE ARE RAISING A GENERATION IN ISRAEL AND IN THE WHOLE WORLD. CHORDS: :D’T717x Video by: artemas productions SOLU’S LINKS: STAY CONNECTED WITH US:
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